Saturday, October 18, 2008

Friday Night******

We were happy to see help arrive on friday. We worked until the wee hours of the morning...What were you doing at 2:30 am on Friday?


L.S.Marshall said...

The pic of a-train looks like glue is coming out of the other nostril.

Elizabeth J. said...

So by the time Adam are actually getting into a house, I think we'll have plenty of experience to call on to just build it from scratch! I can't believe the things you guys can do.

Can't wait to see the finished product. It's going to be awesome, I know it!

Mr. Mustachio said...

Homeland Security prevents me from telling you what I was doing at 2:30 a.m. However, I can assure you that it didn't involve taking pictures of a bunch of watches.

Unknown said...

I wish I could have been in on the fun,
-2 and a half hours past one,
I could have helped a ton,
or maybe just sniffed glue
with a certain someone!!

Congrats to you on branching out.
The place is looking great.
Can't wait to see you all next week!!!