Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spring Break here we come!

We had a great time over the break. Tanner and Tara were still trying to get over their colds, but were troopers in all of our travels. We spent two nights in San Diego and had fun in the hotel, aren't you supposed to jump from bed to bed holding your 3 year old?
My children love hotels, for the baths and showers. They had so much fun playing in the water. We had 17 towels soaking wet to prove it. The maid just laughed when we handed her the pile of towels.
My Grandma flew in from Florida. 4 Generations at the San Diego Zoo.
All Aboard!
It doesn't take much to entertain us.

This year Tanner has expressed such an interest in helping in the kitchen. He put all of the cloves on the ham for me. He gets so proud of himself, it was great! 
We all went to church with green and blue fingertips.
Forgot to turn it sorry, The Easter Bunny brought Tanner a Wii game.
Everyone enjoying their spoils. Happy Easter to everyone.


Sarah said...

Wish we could have gone. I love the Zoo! Glad you had fun. Love the new blog look too.!

Brian and Abby said...

I was excited to see that you had a blog, I didn't know you did. You guys look like you are having a fun time. I think about you often and miss our talks and stressing out together. I hope Tad's office is working out. Hope to see you soon

Mom said...

Looks like a lot of Spring Break fun.