Monday, February 23, 2009

Lots of presentations!

I'm so proud of my children! They continually amaze me. They have been asked to present various things this week. They all pulled it off without a hitch and could not have made me more happy. I work with kids during the week that don't have the guidance and support that my children have and it just makes me appreciate the village that is helping me raise my children in the gospel.

Tanner gave his first talk in primary, about his family. He did great. It was a hard moment for me. I realized that he is getting to be a big boy so fast. I'm so thankful for my kids. Just when you ask yourself, are they listening to me when I try to teach them, they pull off presentations that prove they do listen. They teach me more than they know. 
Torie did a report on the explorer Magellan. She wrote the whole thing herself, and drew freehand, a map of the world. We then burnt the edges so it looked old, she was thrilled and excited to give her report. 

For FHE we had her give it to us to practice, I was impressed with how much time and energy she spent on her facts, Good Job Torie!
Tara was conducting FHE tonight. She chose to teach a lesson on why we love each member of our family and what positive characteristics each member has.
We were asked to draw our family members and then write above them what we love about them.
Tara had Tanner tell us who makes up our family. She spent a lot of time prepping for this and she did awesome.
Tara also in this last week had to present a brownie lesson to her whole troop. I'm so thankful for how our church prepares our children to speak and teach at a young age. She was full of confidence and explained everything that she wanted the girls to do. They all made mobiles about the history of Girl Scouts. She had this prepared weeks ago and due to the snow had to wait.
She led the girls in the pledge and the motto of the Brownies. She got nothing but compliments from her leaders, way to go Bear!!!!!


Sarah said...

Awesome all around. Good job kids. Tanner IS getting so old. And, so are the girls. I can't believe how fast time flies.

Mom said...

Great presentations by everyone.
They are listening, and they are learning. You're doing a good job!

Elizabeth J. said...

What?! Tanner gave a talk in primary???? Oh boy. I can't believe it. Really...where has the time gone???

And to think, Megan is only 7 months younger. This is not okay!

Well good job to all those smarty pants, even though they NEVER got permission from their Aunt to grow up! (and don't bother asking kids...cause you never will get permission from me!!!)