Monday, November 3, 2008

Opening Day

Today Marshall Chiropractic Wellness Center officially opened its doors. It was great. The patients loved the new place and raved about the work that was done. Thanks to all that helped!!!! We couldn't have done it without you. We are so excited to expand the practice and have this new adventure be successful. We leave in the morning for our cruise to celebrate our 14th wedding anniversary. Love that guy of mine!!!!!


Sarah said...

Looks so good. Can you send me those pics of my kidos after you get home. You had a handful on your camera of June Bug. Was the bathroom always that color? It looks way good! Everything looks great!

Kenneth and Valerie Romberg said...

Can't wait till you get home from your trip. The Photo's look great. Lots and lots of work. Good Luck in all. We are so excited for you.

Happy New Venture!!!!